Oma blogiluettelo

lauantai 5. lokakuuta 2013

Aurora taas ohi, CY0P Sable 12m ssb ehtoolla tuli hyvin

Vastarannan ruskaa, ilta auringossa
TX5D Australs äänessä

Mini-DXpedition - Raivavae Island (Australs, French Polynesia) - OC-114 - CQ Zone 32 - ITU Zone 63

K9W Wake
Piti alkaa 7.10.2013 nyt siirtynyt

The long-anticipated K9W Wake Island DXpedition has been put on hold because of the US government shutdown, “pending a revised schedule,” the organizers said in an announcement on the K9W webpage. The DXpedition was expected to kick off October 7 and continue until October 18.
“We will announce new dates for the DXpedition as soon as possible,” the announcement continued. “Thank you for your patience and understanding.”
Some team members were reported to have been planning to fly out to the Pacific today. According to an announcement in late September, the Wake Atoll commemorative team was in its final stages of preparation, with all equipment received in Hawaii for transport to Hickam Air Force Base for delivery to Wake Island. -- Thanks to
The Daily DX

Alla olevat työskentely ohjeet K9W sivuilta koskee kaikkia peditiota, toivoa vain sopii että myös operaattorit kaikilla peditiolla noudattavat näitä, eikä lipsuisi hyvistä periaatteista.

Ja samat asiat selväksi suomeksi

Operating Plan K9W Wake
We want you in our log, so please help us by following these guidelines.
  1. If you cannot hear us - please don't call us. Wait until propagation and conditions favor your QTH for one or more of the 11 Bands and 3 Modes. Eventually you WILL have a clear path to Wake Island. Be patient.
  2. Unless you hear otherwise from the Operator, we will ALWAYS be operating in SPLIT MODE throughout the DXpedition.
  3. Listen to the Operator for RX frequencies (e.g., "up 5 to 10", or "listening on 7.155", etc.)
  4. You have two ears and one mouth, so please try to listen more, talk less. Be patient.
  5. During SSB pileups, please announce your full call clearly -- ONCE -- using common phonetics.
  6. During ALL pileups, listen for YOUR call on the comeback. Trust that we have two good ears.
  7. We're not impressed by those who add to the QRM by constantly calling out of turn. Be patient.
  8. Please do not Tune Up on any of our TX frequencies or any of our RX slots!
  9. If we ask for "EU" only or "QRP only" or any other specific request, please QRX. Be patient.
  10. Resist those "insurance" QSOs. We want to maximize unique QSOs, not Dupes.
  11. Whenever possible, we will try to listen in the General portion of the band.

Muuta haja-asutusaleelta

Lähdekaivon vedenpinta jatkaa vain laskua, yhden renkaan verran vettä. Kohta rantasaunan vesi on kannettava järvestä, siellä pinta on pysynyt samassa tasossa useita viikkoja.

Paikallinen ruska on mielestäni tänä syksynä ollut väreissä voimakas, kuiva syksy siinä minun selitys. Varmaan siihenkin on tieteellinen selvitys olemassa.

Mustilan ruskaa

Elimäellä 6-tienvarrella, kannattaa pysähtyä Mustilan kohdalla, siellä puiston rinnepuut näkyy hienosti erivärisinä ruskaa loistaen tielle saakka, aurinkoisina iltapäivinä.


Luin tuon linkin väärin, kotitalouksien tukea alennetaan, jäin ihmettelemään, en edes tuota tukea tiennyt olevan. Ei tosin ole edes aurinkopanelia.

73, Pertti OH5TQ

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