Kuvaaja joku lapsen lapsistani kuvattu 2019
Auringon pilkkuja on ilmestynyt
1.5.2020 DK0WCY jopa 35
2.5.2020 Taas nolla
3.5.2020 Taas nolla
4.5.2020 Nolla linjalla jatketaan...
Yksi varma Pacifikin vihje tulee päivittäin samoihin aikoihin
Asema on yleensä täälläkin kuultavissa, Eteläiseltä Cookilta.
DX de PD5SS: 14226.0 E51JD OC-013 0657Z
Monk Iakovos, SV2RSG/A will be active from Mount Athos, 7 - 10 May 2020.
He will operate on 20m SSB, CW. Erässä toisessa lähteessä mainitaan cw 14025 ja ssb 14185.
Näin naapurissa kisa hommat hoidetaan lokin tarkastusta myöten
Rules SSA Portabeltest
Sponsored by Sveriges Sändareamatörer (SSA)
Last update: 2019-04-11
All hams in JW, JX, LA, OH, OHØ, OJØ, OX, OY, OZ, SM and TF are invited to participate in this contest.
Dates 2019:
Våromgången: May 19, 0700 – 1100 UTC
Höstomgången: August 18, 0700 – 1100 UTC
Våromgången: May 19, 0700 – 1100 UTC
Höstomgången: August 18, 0700 – 1100 UTC
Dates 2020:
Våromgången: May 17, 0700 – 1100 UTC
Höstomgången: August 16, 0700 – 1100 UTC
Våromgången: May 17, 0700 – 1100 UTC
Höstomgången: August 16, 0700 – 1100 UTC
The Spring Part:
The Sunday in the third full weekend in May 0700 – 1100 UTC
The Autumn Part:
The Sunday in the third full weekend in August 0700 – 1100 UTC
The Spring Part:
The Sunday in the third full weekend in May 0700 – 1100 UTC
The Autumn Part:
The Sunday in the third full weekend in August 0700 – 1100 UTC
CW: 3525 – 3575 and 7010 – 7040 kHz.
SSB: 3600 – 3670 and 7060 – 7130 kHz.
CW: 3525 – 3575 and 7010 – 7040 kHz.
SSB: 3600 – 3670 and 7060 – 7130 kHz.
CW and/or SSB.
CW and/or SSB.
Single Operator – CW [SINGLE-OP-CW]
Single Operator – SSB [SINGLE-OP-SSB]
Single Operator – Mixed [SINGLE-OP-MIXED]
Multi Operator – CW [MULTI-ONE-CW]
Multi Operator – SSB [MULTI-ONE-SSB]
Multi Operator – Mixed [MULTI-ONE-MIXED]
Single Operator – CW [SINGLE-OP-CW]
Single Operator – SSB [SINGLE-OP-SSB]
Single Operator – Mixed [SINGLE-OP-MIXED]
Multi Operator – CW [MULTI-ONE-CW]
Multi Operator – SSB [MULTI-ONE-SSB]
Multi Operator – Mixed [MULTI-ONE-MIXED]
To be recognized as Single Operator you must do the whole operation yourself without help. (You can of course be accompanied with persons making coffee and so on, but they are not allowed to help you put up the antennas and work the radio).
(The Cabrillo Categories are shown after each class).
Contest call:
Contest message:
Only QSO with portable stations in JW, JX, LA, OH, OHØ, OJØ, OX, OY, OZ, SM and TF will count.
Only QSO with portable stations in JW, JX, LA, OH, OHØ, OJØ, OX, OY, OZ, SM and TF will count.
Each station can be contacted once per band on each mode. For each valid contact the distance between the two stations will give the QSO points calculated as 1 point for every 10km.
You don’t need to calculate the score yourself.
Final score:
The QSO-points will be added and multiplied with the Power Multiplier* as follows:
The QSO-points will be added and multiplied with the Power Multiplier* as follows:
• Mult. 01: More than 20 W
• Mult. 02: 5 – 20 W
• Mult. 03: 1 – 5 W
• Mult. 04: Less than 1 W
• Mult. 02: 5 – 20 W
• Mult. 03: 1 – 5 W
• Mult. 04: Less than 1 W
* Power measured at the antenna connector on the transceiver.
(Exactly 5 W. is mult. 02 and 4.99 W. is mult. 03).
(Exactly 5 W. is mult. 02 and 4.99 W. is mult. 03).
Example: If you have used an output power of 2 W, your total QSO-points will be multiplied with 3 to get the final score.
A portable station is any amateur radio station with a portable power source and and with temporarily installed antenna(s). A mobile station is recognized as a portable station in this contest.
All entry categories are allowed to use Dx-cluster, CW-Skimmer or Reverse Beacon Network or similar technology for spotting assistance. Self-spotting is not allowed.
A portable station is any amateur radio station with a portable power source and and with temporarily installed antenna(s). A mobile station is recognized as a portable station in this contest.
All entry categories are allowed to use Dx-cluster, CW-Skimmer or Reverse Beacon Network or similar technology for spotting assistance. Self-spotting is not allowed.
If you use contest software make sure you save the log in Cabrillo format. For those who use paper and pen during the contest can afterwards enter the log manually using SM2EZT program.
If you use contest software make sure you save the log in Cabrillo format. For those who use paper and pen during the contest can afterwards enter the log manually using SM2EZT program.
Logs should be in CABRILLO format and submitted via E-mail. Please insure that you fill out all of the header.
All logs received via e-mail will be confirmed via e-mail. It’s also nice to have a short story about your highlights, problems or whatever before, during and after the contest. Pictures are also welcome.
The logs should be submitted within 14 days.
(Deadline Våromgången May 2019 is June 2, 2019).
(Deadline Höstomgången August 2019 is September 29, 2019).
(Deadline Våromgången May 2019 is June 2, 2019).
(Deadline Höstomgången August 2019 is September 29, 2019).
E-mail logs to:
Awards to the first three in each country in all six classes.
The total winners in the three Single Operator classes will get a plaque.
Awards to the first three in each country in all six classes.
The total winners in the three Single Operator classes will get a plaque.
Facebookin radioamaöörit ryhmässä:
Timo Klimoff Tähän kisaan on viritetty myös SM2EZT:n pikkusofta, jolla saa paperilokin nakutettua SSA Portabletest Cabrillo-muotoon: https://www.sk3bg.se/contest/files/SMPin.zip
Tämä kelpaa hyvin kotimaan (OH) kisojen cabrilloksi, jos sitä vaaditaan, kuten yleensä tehdään.
Häiriöiden paikannus ja poisto ohjeita.
Korona kesän 2020 kynnyksellä dx-retkeily on suorastaan estetty, joten mitään erikoista dx-mielessä ei ole tarjolla, toisaalta ei hätää erikois kutsuja on bandit pullollaan. Joten päätän tököttelyni tähän, johan niitä tulikin 2058 julkaistua.
Kesän kynnyksellä luontokin herää, Joutsenen ja Kuikan pesintä hyvässä alussa, Rantasipinkin asettui tutulle rantakivelle nyökyttelemään, vain hyttyset puttuu.
Järvivesikin + 12 c
Kiitos kaikille kärsivällisyydestä!
Aatto OH6PN varmaan jatkaa kirjoittelua, julkaisen niitä.
73 , Pertti OH5TQ
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