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keskiviikko 11. syyskuuta 2013

FT5ZM---$20.00 per minute on the air!

Sieltä maston takaa se aurinko nousee

Tiistaina aamulla oli taas A-indeksi noussut, ei ollut pelkoakaan että FO/KH0PR noilta bandeilta joilla on majaillut tulisi edes kuultavaksi. Kaikeksi kukkuraksi oli RTTY vain tarjolla. Eilisen kuuntelun perustella, ei hän mikään cw virtuoosi ole. Joten ymmärrän hänen halunsa viihtyä RTTY:llä. Näillä kriteereillä, bandit, ajat ja mode valinnat , taitaa olla täällä workkimattomat IOTA saaret. Kuuntelua jatketaan, asema on rx-clusterin hälytyslistalla.

Yoshi, JJ8DEN plans activity as FO/KH0PR from the following French Polynesian islands:

QRV 80-10m, CW and Digi.

Piti jotain tiistainakin aamulla workkia, sopivasti Galapacos HC8 oli kuultavissa 40m ssb, ensin kutsuin 100w, hieromisen jälkeen sain sieltä lopulta raportiksi 41. Laitoin linukan, lämpenemään, selvästi alle kW, se jelppasi sain 55, siinä se pieni ero. Aika kehnosti hän näytti kuulevan, ja raportit olivat kaikille muutakin kuin 59. Etupäässä 41 ja 55 välillä.

 7143.0  HC8/G8OFQ   11-Sep-2013 0329Z  tnx 57 geoffrey       

     FT5ZM---$20.00 per minute on the air!
By K4UEE, Bob Allphin, FT5ZM Chief Financial Officer and fundraiser

As Chief Financial Officer and fundraiser for the upcoming FT5ZM
DXpedition, I am deeply involved in the subject of DXpedition costs
and financing. I have served in the same role for numerous high-
profile and expensive DXpeditions to very rare DX entities. Examples
are 3Y0X, K5D, and HK0NA.  However, the article written by Don
Greenbaum, N1DG and published in several publications is the
definitive work on the subject of DXpedition costs and financing.  If
you have not seen it, it's available on the NCDXF website at:

Don points out that DXpeditions to the Southern Oceans are the most
expensive mainly because they involve a vessel charter.  In his study,
those charters averaged $260,000. However, three of the six
DXpeditions included in that study took place 13-15 years ago and
costs have risen significantly since then.  See Ralph - K0IR's article
on this website entitled "Why Does This DXpedition Cost So Much?"  It
was posted in the "News" section on 21 June 2013
at It details our current, up to date vessel
charter costs.  They represent 75% of our $400,000 DXpedition budget.

Now, to really put DXpedition costs in perspective, let me share some
simple math with you.  At FT5ZM, Let's assume we are on the air for 14
days.  That allows two days for set-up and two days for take down.
That equates to 20,160 minutes on the air.  If our budget is $400,000
(not including operator travel costs to Perth and back), then our time
on the air costs $19.84 per minute.  Yes, $19.84 per minute on the air

Let's take this a bit further. Assume we make 100,000 QSOs, (a worthy
goal for a #4 "most-needed").  The cost per QSO works out to $4.00.
Yes, $4.00 per QSO !!!!!

Now, for some good news, the DXpedition operators will pay about half
of that.  This means however, our sponsors including DX Foundations,
DX Clubs and individual DXers worldwide need to pay the remainder.

So, when deciding not if, but how much support you will offer FT5ZM,
ask yourself: How many QSOs am I going to make?  How important are
those QSOs to me?  Am I paying my fair share of the costs? Our
DXpedition leader K0IR has often joked that if every DXer would give
up a cup of coffee for each QSO with FT5ZM and send that money to
support the DXpedition, we would not have to worry about our expenses.
You know, he is right.

73 and CU in the pileups!


73, Pertti OH5TQ

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