SV2ASP/A aktivoitunut
VK9WA uutisia, loppusuoralla ollaan
The 2015 CQ World-Wide DX Contest, CW osa tulevana viikonloppuna
Monet CQ WW kisa-asemat äänessä ennen kisan alkua
OH poikia Saballa, PJ5/OH1VR ja PJ5/OH3JR
FR/OH2YL, Anne äänessä Reunionilla
40m alueen kelihavaintoja, VK9WA vastaan SRAL bulletiini asema Turusta
Ensi lumi tuli Verlaan 20.11.2015
SV2ASP/A Mt Athos
Ollut taas äänessä, ainakin 40m cw:llä
VK9WA uutisia, loppusuoralla ollaan
November 23 0015 - Rough seas and expected to get worse, so we're expediting our station break down. 2 stations going off the air within an hour. We'll reevaluate in a few hours, but current plans are to keep two stations on the air through the night with QRT at first light tomorrow - around 2200UTC.
The 2015 CQ World-Wide DX Contest
SSB: October 24-25 CW: November 28-29
Starts 00:00:00 UTC Saturday Ends 23:59:59 UTC Sunday
I. OBJECTIVE: For amateurs around the world to contact as many other amateurs in as many CQ zones and countries as possible.
II. BANDS: Six bands only: 1.8, 3.5, 7, 14, 21 and 28 MHz. Observance of established band plans is strongly encouraged.
III. CONTEST EXCHANGE: SSB: RS report plus CQ Zone number of the station location (e.g., 59 05). CW: RST report plus CQ Zone (e.g., 599 05).
A. Score: The final score is the result of the total QSO points multiplied by the sum of zone and country multipliers. Example: 1000 QSO points * (30 Zones + 70 Countries) = 100,000 (final score).
B. QSO Points: Stations may be contacted once on each band. QSO points are based on the location of the station worked.
- Contacts between stations on different continents count three (3) points.
- Contacts between stations on the same continent but in different countries count one (1) point. Exception: Contacts between stations in different countries within the North American boundaries count two (2) points.
- Contacts between stations in the same country have zero (0) QSO point value, but are permitted for zone or country multiplier credit.
C. Multiplier: There are two types of multipliers.
- Zone: A multiplier of one (1) for each different CQ Zone contacted on each band. The CQ Worked All Zones rules are the standard.
- Country: A multiplier of one (1) for each different country contacted on each band. The DXCC entity list, Worked All Europe (WAE) multiplier list plus IG9/IH9, and continental boundaries are the standards for defining country multipliers. Maritime mobile stations count only for a zone multiplier.
A. Single Operator Categories: One person (the operator) performs all operating and logging functions. There is no limit on operating time or band changes. Only one transmitted signal is permitted at any time.
1. Single Operator: QSO finding assistance of any kind is prohibited (see VIII.2).
a. High Power (All Band or Single Band): Total output power must not exceed 1500 watts.
b. Low Power (All Band or Single Band): Total output power must not exceed 100 watts.
c. QRP (All Band or Single Band): Total output power must not exceed 5 watts.
2. Single Operator Assisted: Entrants in this category may use QSO finding assistance (see VIII.2).
a. High Power Assisted (All Band or Single Band): Total output power must not exceed 1500 watts.
b. Low Power Assisted (All Band or Single Band): Total output power must not exceed 100 watts.
c. QRP Assisted (All Band or Single Band): Total output power must not exceed 5 watts.
B. Single Operator Overlay Categories: Any Single Operator entrant that meets the requirements may ALSO enter one of the categories shown below by adding the appropriate CATEGORY-OVERLAY line in the Cabrillo log file header. Overlay category entries will be listed separately in the results; scored as All Bands; and grouped by High Power and Low Power (includes QRP).
1. Classic Operator (CLASSIC): The entrant will use only one radio, no QSO finding assistance, and may operate up to 24 of the 48 hours – off times are a minimum of 60 minutes during which no QSO is logged. If the log shows more than 24 hours of operation, only the first 24 hours will be counted for the overlay score. The one radio must not be able to receive while transmitting. Single Operator Assisted entries are not eligible for this category.
2. Rookie (ROOKIE): The operator was first licensed as a radio amateur less than three (3) years before the date of the contest. Indicate the date first licensed in the SOAPBOX field.
C. Multi-Operator Categories (all-band operation only): Any number of operators is allowed. QSO finding assistance is allowed. Only one transmitted signal per band is permitted at any time.
1. Single Transmitter (MULTI-ONE): Only one transmitted signal on one band permitted during any 10-minute period (run transmitter). Exception: One — and only one — other transmitted signal (multiplier transmitter) may be used during any 10-minute period, if — and only if — it is on a different band from the run transmitter and the station worked is a new multiplier. The run and multiplier transmitters are governed by independent 10-minute rules. Ten-minute periods begin with the first QSO on a band. The log must indicate which transmitter (run or multiplier) made each QSO. The multiplier transmitter may not call CQ (solicit contacts).
a. High Power: Total output power must not exceed 1500 watts on any band at any time.
b. Low Power: Total output power must not exceed 100 watts on any band at any time.
2. Two Transmitters (MULTI-TWO): A maximum of two transmitted signals on two different bands may be used at any time. The log must indicate which transmitter made each QSO. Each transmitter may make a maximum of 8 band changes in any clock hour (00 through 59 minutes). Total output power must not exceed 1500 watts on any band at any time.
3. Multi-Transmitter (MULTI-UNLIMITED): The six contest bands may be activated simultaneously. Only one transmitted signal per band is permitted at any time. Total output power must not exceed 1500 watts on any band at any time.
D. Checklog: Entry submitted to assist with the log checking. The entry will not have a score in the results and the log will not be made public.11
ARRL HF operating guidelines provide a very clear definition of the term “self spotting.”
“Self-spotting is the practice of announcing your own call and run frequency on the spotting
network. ARRL contest rules specifically prohibit both self-spotting and requesting spotting by
other stations. It’s a form of CQing that does not take place on the amateur bands, just a step
away from making phone calls to solicit contacts.”
CQ WW rules specifically prohibit self spotting:
4. Self-spotting or asking to be spotted is not permitted.
Each year the rules enforcement working group of the CQ WW Contest Committee will identify areas where the rules are not being followed. This year we have detected a very high number of stations that appear to be engaged in self-spotting. In many cases, there is an attempt to hide this behind phantom callsigns or made to appear like the spots were from a local friend. This kind of activity is not permitted under the rules.
While no decisions have yet been made, there are likely to be disqualifications and warnings issued to some entrants of CQ WW Phone 2015.
We want everyone to be aware of the rule against self-spotting in advance of the upcoming CQ WW CW event.
Please follow the rules so the contest is fair for everyone and you do not put your entry at the risk of disqualification.
Tämä viimeisen lauseen korostus allekirjoittaneen. Tuon valvonta on varmaan haastava tehtävä.
Täydelliset säännöt, huomaa tarkennukset edellisestä vuodesta, myös tämä Self-spoting.
Monet CQ WW kisa-asemat usein äänessä ennen kisan alkua
Muillakin kuin kisa bandeilla ja modella, kannattaa seurata dx-clusterin vihjeitä.
OH poikia PJ5 Saba Isl.
23.11.2015 02.12.2015
Saba Island (NA-145, WFF PAFF-027, WLOTA 2043) by Seppo/OH1VR and Henri/OH3JR.
Ollut jo äänessä, koska dx-clusterilla vihjeitä 30m, 12, ja 15m alueilta.
Eka yhteydet jo katsottavissa.
40m alueen kelihavaintoja
Lauantaina SRAL bullettiinin kuittauksien aikana, kun oltiin jo päästy OH5 aluetta kuittaamaan, niin samaan aikaan VK9WA tuli samalla alueella ja ssb:llä samaa luokkaa kuin oli bulletiini aseman signaali, joka oli pudonnut alas. Tähän aikaan vuodesta ollaan tällä 40m alueella, pelkästään graylinen kelitilassa kaiken vuorokautta, eli dx-asemat tulevat erisuunnista samaan aikaan. Tämä VK9WA kuuluminen oli siitä hyvä esimerkki.
Ensi lumi tuli Verlaan 20.11.2015
Ennusteen mukaan se ei välttämättä pitkään viihdy sulassa maassa.
Ei montaa senttiä ole, juuri sen verran että kissan jäljet näkyy. Tai niin arvelin että se oli kissa joka jätti jälkensä, terassin alta ja pihan poikki oli kulkenut. Vähän jäljitin,naapurin suunnasta oli meille tullut, toisen puolen naapuriin oli jatkanut. Täällä haja-asutusalueella lumeen jätetyt jäljet paljastavat mitä täällä pihalla ja yksityistiellä liikkuu. Liiketunnistimella varustettut pihavalot välillä yölläkin syttyvät, joskus tuulen heiluttamista oksista ja välillä pikkueläimistä, joita pihalla liikkuu. Talvisen luonnon seuranta on hauskaa ja helppoa, jos osaa tulkita jäljet oikein.
73, Pertti OH5TQ