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tiistai 16. toukokuuta 2017

Kyllä dx - elämään on


E51DWC ja E51LYC  signaalien erot täällä
CE0YHO Easter Isl
VU7KP Laccadive Isl

16.5.2017 kello 0545z  E51DWC S.Cook  ja E51LYC N.Cook samaan aikaan 20m cw:llä, toinen tuli luettavasti ja toinen ei.

Kello 08.00 z E51LYC N.Cook tuli hyvin ja EU kelpasi.

Cesarin  E51LYC raportti N.Cook saarelta 

Some notes from Cezar.

1.  He will try Europe daily on 17m at 21:00Z --  the forecast suggested earlier openings but these have not materialized.

2.  Opening on all bands seem to be much shorter than forecast.

3.  He is focussing as much as possible on South American and Europe but has been frustrated by poor conditions.

4.  His noise level is EXTREMELY low so he can hear some EU stations even when they are very weak,  but they are not responding when he calls them back. (I know from my own experience that EU QRN and QRM can make things difficult -- we commonly copy stations at 5 and 0 here - NO discernable motion on the S meter but Q5 copy)

5.  He will try SSB today -- and throughout his stay -- expecially on 20m to try to work those EU station who do not have CW -- but will emphasize CW as this seems to be the most effective with the weak signal conditions.

6. 30 metres has been very hard -- noise is low but few signals -- the most productive bands seem to be 20m and 17m

7.  He has tried long path to Europe on 20m with dismal results.

8.  Propagation to JA, OC and NA has been good with many contacts.  Happily the self discipline of the JAs has enabled him to work some weak EU stations during the JA pile-ups.  He expressed his appreciation of their courtesy.

9.  He has set his alarm for 2 hour sleep periods to try to catch opening during the night but has had little success - especially on 30 and 40m where noise levels are very low -- but he is hearing no signals.

FYI -- Internet is very limited on Pukapuka and he would have to leave the shack and walk to the Telecom to be able to access internet at dial-up or slower speeds -- so he has NO access to spotting aids like DX summit -- and one should not expect that he will even recieve, let alone be able to reply to emails.

He has over 2,000 contacts in the log already.

Good trip so far, lots of assistance from the locals.  VERY HOT and humid, however there has been a wind which keeps the mosquitos away.

I can hear Cezar at S9++ most of the time when he is operating on 20 or 17M and with a KW and good gain antennas, I should be able to contact him if you need to get a message back.

Andy E51AND

CE0YHO Easter Isl.

Vihjeiden mukaan asema ollut ainakin 20 ja 30m JT65 digimodella.

VU7KP Laccadive Isl.

Libya 2006 5A7A

73, Pertti OH5TQ

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